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NEW 3rd Editions!
The new, updated, and expanded third editions are available now!
For fourth grade skills and up, the Wordsmith series is the perfect companion to Learning Language Arts Through Literature. Young people will find easy, step-by-step instructions to improve their writing skills. The series provides a brief review of grammar followed by instruction on building stronger sentences, exercises in writing descriptive, narrative, persuasive, and expository essays, creating dialogue, story writing, notetaking, and more. Plus, students build the essential skills of every good writer: practice in proofreading and revising.
The Wordsmith Series is a creative writing course for Grades 4 through High School. For young people who want to improve their writing skills, step-by-step instructions are provided that will help any writer improve his techniques. The introduction provides a brief review of grammar followed by instruction on building stronger sentences, exercise in descriptive and narrative writing, creating dialogue, story writing, and writing from a particular point of view. Plus, the essential skills of every good writer: practice in proofreading and revising. Scope and sequence as well as sample lessons are available for each level.