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think! Mathematics (CIE) is being discontinued and the new edition of think! Mathematics Singapore Edition (SG) are available now in Grades 1-3, below is the link to the new resources. Grade 4, Grade 5 and Grade 6 will be ready in Oct 2024, 2025 and 2026 respectively.
We have limited stock of this edition as we cannot purchase any further copies once sold out so best to order early.
We will be holding stock of New Syllabus Primary Mathematics Series Grades 4-6 until the new edition is released.
think! Mathematics (CIE)
think! Mathematics is a series of textbooks and workbooks adapted from the New Syllabus Primary Mathematics series that has been approved by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Singapore. Written in accordance with extensively researched approaches in Singapore, it adopts a spiral design with the integration of the concrete-pictorial-abstract (CPA) approach, careful variation and the use of problem solving, which are the integral features of the learning process.
Based on time-tested learning theories, this series incorporates the use of concrete manipulatives. In think! Mathematics, these features are exemplified throughout the series:
Well-structured exercises which are developed in accordance with the lesson objectives of each chapter.
Mind Workout
Comprises higher-order thinking tasks as enrichment for students to apply relevant heuristics and extend the concepts and skills learnt.
Maths Journals
Provides students with opportunities to show their understanding of mathematical concepts learnt.
Follows after each chapter for consolidation of concepts learnt in the chapter
Provides an assessment of the consolidation of concepts and skills across strands and topics.