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Year 7 - New Undated Version


188 pages (Book A) / 256 pages (Book B)


think! Mathematics Secondary Textbooks Normal 1A & 1B (Print & Digital) 2nd Ed. is a series of textbooks designed to provide students valuable learning experiences and a deeper appreciation of mathematics by engaging their minds and hearts. The series covers the MOE Syllabus for Mathematics implemented from 2020, and reflects the important shifts towards the development of 21st century competencies. Underpinning the writing of this textbook is our belief that all students can learn and appreciate mathematics. This textbook series will be a meaningful companion for students as they embark on an exciting journey in secondary school mathematics through collaborative and self-directed learning.


Special features

  • Chapter Opener and Introductory Problem motivate the development of concepts
  • Investigation, Class Discussion, Thinking time, Journal Writing and Performance Task highlight mathematics as a tool and as a discipline
  • Real-life examples, applications and Problems in Real-World Contexts emphasise the relevance and beauty of mathematics
  • Worked Examples, Practise Now and Exercise questions ensure a high baseline of mastery
  • Challenge Yourself problems provide extension opportunities
  • Reflection prompts encourage metacognition
  • ICT tools promote visualisation and exploration of concepts
  • Invitation to Code and Opportunities to code expose students to this increasingly prominent skill of the future
  • Looking Back and Summary consolidate the big ideas, concepts and knowledge encountered in each chapter


Key feature of each chapter has an opening overveiw of the topic which includes rationales for learning to arouse students interest and big ideas that connect the concepts within the chapter or with other chapters.  Provides introdctory problems with more specific motivation to learnin gthe topic, using a problem that helps delevop a concept, or an application problem that students will revisit after they have gained necessary knowledge form the chapter.


Worked example are give to show students how to present their working clearly when solving related problems.  Exercise questions are classified into three levels - Basic, intermdiate and advanced.  Questions at the basic level are usually short-answer items to test basic concepts and skills.  The intermdiate leve contains more structured quesitons, while the advanced level involes applications and higher order thinking skills.


Proformace Task consist of mini-projects designed to develop research and presentation skills of students, through writing a report and/or giving an oral presenation. 


As well introductory problems are revisited in later the chapter that provide a look back to help students to internalise the big ides they have learnt.  A summary on the key concepts taught in the chapter in a succinct manner.  Questions are include to help students to reflect on their learning.


Challenge problems are included at the end of each chapter to extend the leraning of students as well as review exerciese to help consolidate their learning.  Problems are in real-world context which spread throughout the entire textbook.  In particular, more structured Problems in Real-World Context are placed in a separate section at the end of Textbook B.


Book A includes:

Chapter 1: Primes, Highest Common Factors and Lowest Common Mulitples.

Chapter 2: Integers, Rational Numbers and Real Numbers

Chapter 3: Approximation and Estimates

Chapter 4: Basic Algebra and Algebraci Manipluation

Chapter 5: Linear Equations

Chapter 6: Number Patterns 


Book B includes:

Chapter 7: Percentages

Chapter 8: Ratio and Rate

Chapter 9: Angles and Triangles

Chapter 10: Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Chapter 11: Volume and Surface Area of Prisms and Cylinders

Chatper 12: Statistical Data Handling 


Pack comes with A & B Textbooks in hardcopies and digital format.

think! Mathematics Secondary Textbooks Normal 1A & 1B (Print & Digital) 2nd Ed.


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