The Saxon Math 1 Home Study + Manipulative Kit, contains two kits.
Home Study Kit includes: teacher edition, meeting book, set of two student books and flash cards. No manipulatives are included in the Home Study Kit; those are a separate purchase with several different options available. 130 lessons cover: skip counting; ordinal positions; sorting rules and patterns; solving problems; mastering basic addition and most basic subtraction facts; adding 2-digit numbers without regrouping; measuring; comparing volume, mass and area; counting money; telling time to half-hour; identifying polygons; graphing.
Building directly on Math K, Math 1 establishes a solid understanding of basic math concepts, such as comparing and ordering numbers, mastering all basic addition facts and most basic subtraction facts, adding two-digit numbers without regrouping, naming fractions, and measuring with inches, feet, and centimeters. Your child will also learn to create, read, and write observations from real graphics, pictographs, and bar graphs.
Students like Saxon because they feel successful in math instead of overwhelmed.
The most popular homeschooling math program hands down! Highly recommended by both Mary Pride and Cathy Duffy, Saxon Math also wins our award for the "Most Requested Text." Saxon math is a "user-friendly" math program - even for Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus and other usually difficult math topics. Learning is incremental and each new concept is continuously reviewed, so the learning has time to "sink in" instead of being forgotten when the next topic is presented. Higher scores on standardized tests and increased enrollments in upper-level math and science classes have resulted where Saxon has been used in public schools. Students like Saxon because they feel successful in math instead of overwhelmed. Because of the format, children are able to work more independently.
Tried and true, Saxon Math has been widely used by generations of homeschoolers. Learning is incremental and each new concept is continuously reviewed, so the learning has time to “sink in” instead of being forgotten when the next topic is presented. Students like Saxon because they feel successful in math instead of overwhelmed. K-3 levels are manipulative-based, and the lessons are parent-centered. Lessons are scripted for the parent, and there is a list of required manipulatives.
The Teacher's Manual contains the actual lesson plans and information vital to the effective presentation of math concepts. The consumable Meeting Books are used during the teacher-student "meeting" in which concepts are introduced, demonstrated and practiced. If teaching more than one student at the same level, you will only need one meeting book. Consumable Student Workbooks are used in grades 1-3 only and contain student materials, flash cards and practice pages. The Math K Home Study Kit contains teacher edition and meeting book. Math 1, 2, and 3 kits contain teacher edition, meeting book, and a set of 2 workbooks. Manipulatives are a vital, integral part of the program; these are not included in the Home Study Kits, but are available through us also.
Some manipulatives are considered required and some are optional.
Saxon Math 1 Home Study
Product Format: Softcover Book Set
Brand: Saxon Publishers
Author: Nancy Larson
Grade: 1
ISBN: 9781565770188