Readiness Assessment: Myself & Others Book Four
Myself & Others Book Four Sample
- Myself & Others Book Four utilizes Emily Post’s The Guide to Good Manners for Kids (ISBN: 9780060571962). Unfortunately, this book has gone out of print and we can no longer carry it. If you would like to complete the readings/activities associated with this book it is available in Kindle format and used from other booksellers. We apologize for this inconvenience and are working on editing Myself & Others to work with another book on manners. Please reach out to us if you have any questions about this.
Myself & Others Book Four assumes introductory knowledge and continues teaching and practicing common rules and manners, developing good safety and health habits, and increasing social perception for service to others. This course is suitable for students age or ability 11-13.
Myself & Others provides lessons with five components:
1) Rules – basic social rules for daily life
2) Health – essentials for hygiene, physical and mental health, and forming good habits
3) Safety – guidelines and cautions for staying safe in various circumstances
4) Manners – instruction and practice with good manners to serve others well
5) Listening – daily readings with inspiring stories for delight, moral imagination, character and virtue.
This set includes:
- Myself & Others Book Four
- The Cabin Faced West
- The Sign of the Beaver
Required Supplements:
- Healthy Happy Habits (from the Myself & Others Book Three Core Set)