Oxford Tree Tops Infact: Level 18/20 - pack of 6contains one copy of each of the following titles: The Misadventures of Charles Darwin, The Show Must Go On!, How to Change the World, Mayan Mystery, Generation Energy, Thomas Heatherwick: Designer.
TreeTops inFact is an exciting non-fiction series for children aged 7-11.
- Compelling and imaginative non-fiction titles to engage children in reading for pleasure as powerfully as fiction does.
- This series has authenticity at its heart, offering books written by experts who are passionate about their subject.
- It offers first-hand personal accounts, distinctive writing styles and quirky child-friendly approaches to subjects.
- The subject matter supports the new content in the wider curriculum.
- Rich and varied text types develop comprehension skills, including understanding non-fiction features.
- Stunning imagery mixes photos with appealing artwork.
- Underpinned by Oxford Assessment and Levelling, matching every child with the right book for them through careful grading.
- The Series Editor is Greg Foot, science presenter.
- Reading notes on the inside cover support children with their reading.
- Teaching notes on Oxford Owl support independent reading, guided reading and writing activities.