Classical Core Curriculum Five-Day Junior Kindergarten Curriculum Set
Based on years of research, Memoria Press is pleased to offer the first year of our planned Junior Kindergarten – 12th grade curriculum. By following the 5-day-a-week lesson plans in our full-year Curriculum Manual, you will have every tool you need to give your child the very best classical Christian education possible.
To complete the Literature & Enrichment portion of the curriculum, you will need the weekly read-alouds. These can be purchased in a set from Memoria Press or gathered at the library, or you may already own many of these classic books.
Jr. K highlights well-known Bible stories that children love and from which they learn. We recommend The Story Bible (which comes in our Kindergarten Core Curriculum Package) for its Scriptural accuracy and beautiful illustrations. But we have also listed the Scripture references so that you can use any children’s Bible that you have. (If you use a Bible that doesn’t have the story we have referenced, feel free to choose another story that is in your Bible.)
Set includes:
- Five-Day Junior Kindergarten Curriculum Manual
- Alphabet Book 1
- Alphabet Book 2
- Alphabet Manuscript Wall Charts
- Alphabet Coloring Book
- Alphabet Flashcards
- My Very Own Scissors Book
- Numbers & Colors, 2nd Edition
- Numbers Coloring Book, 2nd Edition
- Best Mother Goose Ever
- Hailstones and Halibut Bones
- The Llama Who Had No Pajama
- Book of Crafts, Junior Kindergarten
- Myself & Others Book One
- Myself & Others Book Two
- Polite Elephant
- F is for Feelings
- Listen and Learn
- Know and Follow Rules
- Mind Your Manners!
- Prayers for Children
- Big Thoughts for Little People
Recommended suggested additional purchases:
- The Story Bible
- Junior Kindergarten Read-Aloud Set
- Myself & Others Book One Read-Aloud Set
- Myself & Others Book Two Read-Aloud Set
- Phonics from A to Z
Classical Core Curriculum Five-Day Junior Kindergarten Curriculum Set
Our Junior Kindergarten Curriculum follows the top down approach that serves the complete Memoria Press curriculum so beautifully. Knowing the expectations of our Kindergarten Curriculum led us to design a program that provides a thorough, yet gentle, foundation for the student before he or she even begins his formal academic career. The goals of the Junior Kindergarten Curriculum are simple — introduce the student to the joy of learning and the satisfaction in a job well done. The Junior Kindergarten Curriculum is consistent with the remainder of the Memoria Press Classical curriculum with focus on:
- age-appropriate, quality content
- real books — classics that are beautiful and rich
- well prioritized objectives
- recitation
- repetition
We want our youngest students prepared for a rigorous phonics-based Kindergarten by being “reading ready” and academically mature. As importantly, we want our young students to delight in the pleasures of this stage of life — to capitalize on the curiosity and enthusiasm of their youth and to enjoy the songs, stories, games, rhymes, and prayers enjoyed by pre-school aged children for generations.
The Five-Day Junior Kindergarten Program is structured in a five-day format, with each day requiring approximately four hours. Of course, everything is flexible! In addition to the materials found in the Two-Day Junior Kindergarten Curriculum, this five-day format includes:
- An overview page at the beginning of each week in the Curriculum Manual, which details all the work in each subject that is covered in the week
- Myself & Others Books One & Two core sets including Polite Elephant, Listen and Learn, F Is for Feelings, Mind Your Manners!, and Know and Follow Rules. These books provide character training through brief lessons about rules, health, manners, and safety.
- The Llama Who Had No Pajama, an additional poetry book
- The use of The Story Bible for Bible story study in addition to devotional time
- Four days of practice in learning the alphabet and numbers
- Additional craft, activity, and game suggestions that coordinate with each week’s material