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New SYllabus Primary Mathematics
NSPM is slowly being discontinued and the new edition of think! Mathematics (SG) will be available now in Grades 1-3, below is the link to these resources. Grade 4, Grade 5 and Grade 6 will be ready in Oct 2024, 2025 and 2026 respectively. We will be holding stock of Grades 4, 5 & 6 until the new edition is released. The new edition is the same as NSPM but is being update with a brand new name so if you have been using NSMP, you can transition directly to Think to the next grade level.
Complete Sets Grades 1-3 come with a Teacher Manual & Both Text/Workbook in A & B at a discounted price. We have limited stock in Grades 1-3 as we cannot order any further stock on these titles.
We will be still stock grades 4-6 until the new edition is released. Level to be here early December 2024.