How do you find the right Mathematics Curriculum that suits your child and will help them develop ways to solving mathematical problems. Mathematics is a foundation subject we all expected to acquire in the modern world so it’s essential in finding the right program that suits how your child learns so that it will give them a solid foundation. The great thing about homeschooling is it empowers you to be able to personalise your child’s learning, so it suits their learning style. The other great thing is homeschoolers learn at their own pace and you’re able to give your child more time on concepts when required so they can find connections in their learning. A good quality curriculum will offer ample opportunities to practice these real-life mathematical skills.
Firstly, consider how your child learns as some children need visual aids to see how concepts are explained, and others prefer manipulatives that they can move around to make the connections of their learning concrete. Once you understand how your child learns this will guide you to which curriculum will be best for your child.
Which teaching style are you comfortable with to teach your child? Do you prefer a more structured approach with lessons planned for you or rather have flexibility to allow more freedom for you to customise each lesson to your child’s needs.
One key thing you should look for is placement test for the curriculum you are choosing as this will allow you to assess your child’s current mathematics skills. It’s important that you find the level of the child’s mathematics ability to correctly buy the level that is required. You don’t want easy or too difficult, too easy can allow the child to become bored and to difficult, the child may become frustrated. Having the curriculum match the skill level will allow challenges within reach to gain confidence.
There are a few approaches that curriculum use to teach, such as mastery, spiral, conceptual and procedural.
Spiral Approach is where there will be 3-4 terms within the book that will teach concepts within each of the chapters. Each Chapter will run from 3-5 pages on the one concept. The child will revise this concept in each of the terms, first they will revise what has been learnt prior and then add on new learning of that concept.
Mastery Program focuses on one topic at a time, so it allows the child to master each concept before moving onto the next concept. So, when learning addition, the child will fully master this concept before moving onto subtraction, multiplication, division etc.
Conceptual Programs focuses the child’s understanding on the reason behind mathematics problems. It aims to deepen understanding of mathematical concepts by emphasizing the “why” behind mathematics procedures.
Procedural Mathematics provides step-by-step instructions and is ideal for concrete thinkers as it focuses it on the “how” of doing mathematics
It’s also important to make sure the curriculum covers all essential math concepts and topics. It should cover topics in younger years like counting from 1-100, 1000 and onwards, to count forwards and backwards, time, geometry, money measurement etc. When moving into higher grades you will be looking for algebra, geometry and financial mathematics.
Remember every child is unique in the way they learn, absorb information, and retain these concepts and strategies to problem solve. When choosing curriculum take in consideration your child’s learning preferences, the way in which you teach and the child’s present level of ability. Remember to allow more time on concepts that the child finds hard, this will allow them to find solutions in acquiring strategies to answer the problems.
If you're looking for a spiral approach program that is conceptual focused with step-by-step learning, then take a look at Singapore Think! Mathematics SG Primary or for secondary grades Think! Mathematics Secondary (they have two levels Normal and Academic).
If you child engages with stories, then Beast Academy's fully illustrated textbook written in a comic-book style a look as it too is spiral approach that provides comprehensive, rigorous instruction. Their practice books provide detailed examples and step-by-step solutions that model general problem-solving strategies.
And then there is Life of Fred Series that takes the opposite approach as there is no workbook. The whole program is about a 5-year-old boy name Fred, who simply in a five-year voice tells you a story about his everyday life and how he needs mathematics. Every piece of mathematics within the text is motivated by a need. Because Fred is fun and because he provides reasons to learn each of the things in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trig, calculus, statistics, and linear algebra, we don't have to beat the student over the head with a million problems. Don't expect pages and pages of problems. This program follows a spiral approach but allows children through story to find strategies for solving problems.
Math with Confidence from the Well-Trained Mind currently for Grades K to 4 and each level has a scripted, open-and-go instructor’s guide along with an engaging, full-color student workbook. The program combines deep conceptual understanding with math fluency and facts mastery.