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Unleash Your Inner Scientist: Uncharted STEM At-Home Experiments Await!

Welcome, fellow science enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on an epic journey of discovery right from the comfort of your own home? Today, we are diving into the fascinating world of STEM through a series of captivating at-home experiments that promise to ignite your curiosity and nurture your inner scientist!

Discover the Magic of STEM

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – the pillars of STEM – are all around us, shaping the world we live in. What better way to appreciate the wonders of STEM fields than by rolling up your sleeves and engaging in hands-on experiments?

Dive into the Unknown

Let's kick things off with an experiment that explores the marvels of chemistry. Have you ever witnessed the captivating dance of colors in a chemical reaction? With a simple set of household ingredients, you can create your very own rainbow in a jar! Witness the magic as different liquids layer themselves beautifully, creating a visual masterpiece that will leave you in awe. To make a rainbow in a jar, follow these steps:

  1. Create colored liquids by adding food coloring to different materials (e.g., honey, shaving cream, water, soap, maple syrup, corn syrup).

  2. Layer the liquids in a tall glass jar in reverse order (purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red).

  3. Pour each layer slowly and evenly to create distinct layers.

  4. Use a baster to transfer the liquids from one layer to the next, maintaining the order of colors

Rainbow in a Jar

Reach for the Stars

Ever dreamt of launching your rocket into the vast expanse of space? Well, now you can! Construct a miniature rocket using simple materials like a film canister, vinegar, and baking soda. Get ready to witness the exhilarating blast-off as your rocket soars into the sky, demonstrating the power of chemical reactions in action!

Materials Required

  • 2L empty soft drink bottle, rinsed

  • construction paper to make cone

  • craft material to decorate the rocket

  • building toys to build the launch pad such as Lego bricks

  • Vinegar - 250ml per launch

  • paper towel

  • Baking Soda - 1-2 tablespoon per launch

  • wine cork or similar to cover open end of soft drink bottle

  1. Personalise your rocket, add a cone to the top of your rocket, add emblems, wings etc.

  2. Build a launch pad with your Lego bricks to hold the rocket for launching off. It can be made any way as long as it can hold the rocket.

  3. Fuel up your rocket - add 1-2 cups of vinegar to inside the bottle. Cut a 10cm square piece of paper towel. Put 1-2 tablespoons of bi-carb soda in the middle of the square and wrap it up to fit snug in the top of the bottle. Insert the cork and make sure it is a tight fit, do not turn you bottle up at this stage.

  4. In an open place outside (the rocket can go up to 10-15 metres), put your launch pad on even ground. You will need to be quick here, place your rocket with the cork end down into your launch pad and move quickly away. The countdown starts as soon as the vinegar and bi-carb soda touch.

When the baking soda and vinegar mix, they will form a chemical reaction that will result in extra carbon dioxide being produced which will push out the cork and force the bottle to go up into the air.

Rocket Launch

Unravel the Mysteries of Physics

Delve into the realm of physics with an experiment that showcases the mesmerizing effects of surface tension. By carefully placing pepper on water and then introducing a drop of liquid soap, you can watch in amazement as the pepper scatters to the edges of the container. Witness firsthand how small forces can lead to incredible outcomes!

Pepper and Soap Experiment

A World of Exploration at Your Fingertips

With STEM at-home experiments, the possibilities are endless. From unraveling the mysteries of the natural world to exploring the boundless realms of technology, there's always something new to discover. So, grab your lab coat, put on your safety goggles, and let's embark on a thrilling journey of scientific exploration together!


In conclusion, STEM at-home experiments offer a gateway to endless discoveries and a deeper understanding of the world around us. So, don't hesitate to unleash your inner scientist and dive into the uncharted territories of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Let the wonders of STEM ignite your passion for exploration and innovation!

Are you ready to embark on this thrilling scientific adventure? The world of STEM awaits – are you ready to explore?

Remember, curiosity is the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. Happy experimenting!

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