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Phonics / Spelling
auditory discrimination - beginning sounds - blends - consonant sounds - decoding new words - ending sounds - long vowel sounds - short vowel sounds - sight words - silent e - vowel pairs - word families
character development - context clues - compound words - comprehension - describing characters - dialogue - drawing conclusions - following directions - inferences - left to right progression - maps - moral of a story - oral reading - plot - poetry - predicting outcome - reading aloud - recalling detail - retelling story - rhyme - setting - types of stories
adjectives - alphabet - alphabetical order - antonyms - apostrophes - capitalization - exclamation marks - homonyms - nouns - periods - plurals - possessive nouns - proper nouns - punctuation - synonyms - verbs
composing sentences - composing paragraphs - composing stories - letter writing - narration - narration based on a picture - writing sentences
Research and Study Skills
dictionary - encyclopedia - library - map skills - parts of a book: title page, table of contents, author, illustrator, publisher - reference skills - research - thesaurus - verifying information
Higher Order Thinking Skills
alphabetical order - categorizing - compare and contrast - context clues - describing - details - drawing conclusions - evaluation of a story - fact and opinion - following directions - grouping - inferences - interpreting illustrations - making a list - matching - memorization - ordinal sequencing - patterns - personal application - predicting outcome - real and make-believe - story recall - sequencing
Creative Expression
charades - choral reading - coloring - drama - drawing - illustrating sentences - illustrating stories - making a book - memory game - narrating from a picture - puppets - telling a story
drawing shapes - lower case letters manuscript - upper case letters manuscript - punctuation - numbers - sentences
long vowel sounds - review first grade phonics - r-controlled vowels: ar, ear, er, ir, ur - root words - short vowel sounds - sounds of: au, augh, aw, ay, ea, ee, ei, ew, ie, oi, oo, or, ou, ough, ow, oy, ue, ui - sounds of: al, ch, el, le, nd, sh, th, tion, ture, war, wor - sounds of : a, c, g, s, y - silent consonant in: ck, dge, gn, igh, kn, mb, ph, tch, wh, ur - syllabication - suffix sounds - words families
copy words - games - how to study words - puzzles - review phonics - spelling tips - suffix
cause and effect - character development - compound words - comprehension -context clues - dialogue - discussion of context - drawing conclusions - facts - fiction - illustrations - main idea - non-fiction - onomatopoeia - opinion - oral reading - ordinal numbers - plot poetry - poetry - reading aloud - real and make-believe - recalling detail - rhyme - setting - summary - syllables
adjectives - alphabetical order - antonyms - apostrophes - articles - capitalization - commas - common noun - comparative adjective - conjunctions - contractions - days of the week - declarative sentences - exclamation marks - exclamatory sentences - homonyms - hyphen - interrogative sentences - irregular nouns - months of the year - nouns - number words - past tense - periods - plural nouns - possessive nouns - predicate - prefix: un - present tense - pronouns - proper nouns - question marks - quotation marks - singular noun - subject - suffixes: ed,er,est,ful,ing,ly,y - superlative adjectives - synonyms - verbs
address - copying literature - creative writing - dates - descriptive writing - editing - invitations - letter writing - list - narration - paragraph - recording information - report - writing from dictation
Research and Study Skills
atlas - dictionary - encyclopedia - library - map - parts of a book - parts of a story - survey - thesaurus - time line
Higher Order Thinking Skills
alphabetical order - calendar - categorizing - compare and contrast - context clues - describing - details - drawing conclusions - evaluation of a story - following directions - grouping - inferences - interpreting illustrations - making a list - matching - memorization - ordinal sequencing - patterns - personal application - predicting outcome - real and make-believe - retelling a story - story recall - sequencing
Creative Expression / Games
book making - bingo - calendar - card making - diorama - drama - illustrating - interpreting illustrations - poetry - nature walk - oral presentation - pantomime - plays - puppetry - riddles
lower case letters manuscript - upper case letters manuscript - numbers - punctuation - sentences
root words - sounds of: igh, ed, er, ar, or, le, el, al, ng, tion, kn - suffixes - syllables
copy words - how to study words - review activity - spelling tips: al, ai, ar, ay, ea, ear, ee, el, er, ew, ie, igh, ir, kn, le, oi, oo, or, ou, ough, ow, ue, ur, wh, wr - weekly word lists
base or root words - biography - cause and effect - characters - chart reading - choral reading - compare and contrast - compound words - comprehension - discussion of content - fact and opinion - fiction - figurative language - lines of play - main idea - non-fiction - optional literature links on: The White Stallion, Madeline, Meet George Washington, The Courage of Sarah Noble - plays - poetry - predicting outcome - recalling detail - rhyme - similes - suffixes - syllables - vocabulary
antonyms - adjectives - adverbs - antonym - apostrophes - articles - capitalization - colon - commas - comparative adjectives - complete sentences - compound subjects - conjunctions - contractions - declarative sentences - determiners - homonyms - irregular words - nouns - parentheses - past tense - periods - plural nouns - plural possessive nouns - possessive nouns - predicate - present tense - pronouns - proper nouns - quotation marks - quotations - singular nouns - singular possessive nouns - subjects - suffix: ed, er, ful, ing - synonyms - verbs
copying literature - descriptive writing - editing - envelope - friendly letter - indentations - journaling - list making - main idea - paragraph - phrases - report - sentences - similes - title - verse - writing from dictation
Research and Study Skills
alphabetical order - charts and graphs - dictionary - encyclopedia - library - map skills - newspaper - telephone book - research skills - thesaurus - time line
Higher Order Thinking Skills
alphabetical order - cause and effect - compare and contrast - directions (N,S,E,W) - drawing conclusions - following directions - graphs and charts - listening skills - matching - memorization - reporting - retelling a story - same and different - sequencing
Creative Expression / Games
choral reading - codes - collage - drama - illustrating - match-ups - oral presentation - pantomime - plays - poetry - puzzles - riddles
beginning cursive—lower case letters - beginning cursive—upper case letters - connecting cursive letters
adding suffixes to words ending in: silent e,y,ch,sh,s,z,x - copy words - how to study words - spelling tips: ch,dge,ear,er,ie,ir,ou,ow,sh, tch,ur - words ending with: ss,ff,zz - vowel rules
a Book Study Unit on: Boxcar Children, Wright Brothers, Ben and Me: An Astonishing Life of Benjamin Franklin By His Good Mouse Amos, The Sign of the Beaver - antonyms autobiography - biography - cause and effect - character sketch - comprehension - discussion of content - homonyms - parts of a story - poetry - recalling detail - silent / oral reading - similes - syllables - synonyms - vocabulary
abbreviations - action verbs - adjectives - adjectives in comparison - adverbs - antecedents - antonyms - apostrophes - articles - base or root words - capitalization - commas - common nouns - complete sentences - complete subjects - compound sentences - compound subjects - compound verbs - conjunctions - contraction - dates - exclamation marks - fragment - helping verbs - homonyms - initials - interjections - irregular verbs - nouns - periods - plural nouns - plural possessive nouns - predicate - preposition - prepositional phrase - pronouns - proper nouns - question marks - quotations - simple subjects - singular nouns - singular possessive nouns - suffixes - title of a book - verbs - verb phrases - verb tenses
advertisements - bibliography - book making - business letter - character sketch - copying literature - descriptive writing - dialogue - editing - envelopes - first person - friendly letter - indention - journals - list writing - map making - newsletter - note taking - paragraph - poetry - report writing - sentences - sentence types - story writing - summary - writing an ad - writing directions - writing from dictation
Research and Study Skills
advertisements - alphabetical order - atlas - decision making - dictionary - encyclopedia - following directions - guide words - interview - library - map study - newspaper - note-taking - parts of a book - poetry memorization - research skills - table of contents - thesaurus
Higher Order Thinking Skills
compare and contrast - decision making - fact and opinion - following directions - sequencing events - decision making - memorization
Creative Expression
book making - illustrating poetry - recitation - rhyme - rhythm - story writing - writing an ad - writing poetry— cinquain, concrete, couplet, haiku, limerick, prose
copying passages - writing final drafts
adding suffixes - copying words - plurals of irregular words - plurals of words ending in: ch,f,fe,o,s,sh,x,y,z - spelling tips: ai,ck,ear,el,er,gh, gn,ie,igh,ir,kn,le,ou,ough,ow,sion,tion,ture,ur,wor - words ending in f,l,s,z - studying words - syllabication - vowel pairs: ai,ie,ou,ow
a Book Study Unit on: Farmer Boy, Trumpet of the Swan, Number the Stars, Caddie Woodlawn - accent - biography - character sketch - characters - choral reading - compound words - conclusion - conflict - drawing conclusions - dialect - exaggeration - facts - figurative language - folk tale - introduction - legend - meter - opinion - plot - poetry - point of view - problem solving - quotations - comprehension - rhyme - rhyme scheme - root or base words - setting - similes - skim and scan - solution - summary - super human qualities - supporting sentences - syllables - tall tale - topic - topic sentences - vocabulary
action verbs - adjectives - adverbs - antecedents - antonyms - apostrophes - base or root words - being verbs - capitalization - commas - common nouns - comparative adjectives - complete predicate - complete sentences - complete subjects - compound sentences - compound subjects - compound verbs - conjunctions - contractions - dates - declarative sentences - direct address - double negative - exclamation marks - exclamatory sentences - fragment - helping verbs - homonyms - hyphen interjections - interrogative sentences - irregular verbs - irregular words - italics - nouns - number words - past tense - periods - plural possessive nouns - plural nouns - plurals of irregular words - prefix - possessive nouns - prefix - preposition - present tense - pronouns - proper nouns - question marks - quotations - regular verbs - simple subjects - singular nouns - singular possessive nouns - suffixes - underlining - verbs - verb phrases - verb tense
copying literature - character sketch - descriptive writing - dialogue writing - editing - envelope - exaggeration - figurative language - indentation - letter writing - list making - outlines - paragraph - parts of a letter - reporting - rhyme - summary - supporting sentences - tall tales - topic - topic sentences - writing poetry - writing from dictation
Research and Study Skills
atlas - Bible references - dictionary - encyclopedia - family tree - globe - guide words - interview - list making - newspaper - outline - proofreading - reporting - research - skim and scan - thesaurus - time line
Higher Order Thinking Skills
analogy - decision making - directions - facts - memorization - narration - opinion - sequencing events
Creative Expression / Games
choral reading - family tree - interviewing - memorizing - meter - poetry - rhyme - role playing - scheme - speech making
copying passages - writing final drafts
adding suffixes -able,ance,ant,ence,ent,ible,sion,tion - adding prefixes - compound words - contractions - copy words - double consonants - plurals of irregular words - plural rules - spelling rules for: ck,dg,ear,er,gn,ie,igh,ir,kn,ou,ough,ow,ur,wor,wr - spelling rules for changing: f to v, y to i, - studying words - syllabication
a Book Study on: Carry on, Mr. Bowditch, The Bronze Bow, Big Red, The Horse and His Boy - alliteration - autobiography - biography - bound base - choral reading - climax - comprehension - conflict - context clues - couplet - dialect - dialogue - discussing content - duolog - end rhyme - etymology - exposition - fable - falling action - fiction - first person - foreshadowing - free base - internal rhyme - irony - mood - narrator - news story - personification - plot - poetry - point of view - prose - reciting poetry - repetition - resolution - rhyme scheme - rising action - second person speech - stanza - syllables - third person - topic sentences - triplet - vocabulary - words analogy
adjectives - adverbs - antecedents - antonyms - apostrophes - articles - being verbs - capitalization - colon - commas - common nouns - comparative adjectives - complete predicate - complete sentences - complete subjects - compound sentences - compound subjects - compound verbs - compound words - conjunctions - contraction - declarative sentences - dependent clause - direct address - direct object - direct quotation - double negative - exclamation marks - exclamatory sentences - fragment - helping verbs - homonyms - hyphen - imperative sentences - independent clause - interjections - interrogative sentences - irregular verbs - linking verbs - nouns - object of the preposition - parts of speech - periods - possessive nouns - possessive pronouns - predicate adjectives - prefix - preposition - prepositional phrase - principal parts of verbs - pronouns - proper nouns - question marks - quotation marks - regular verbs - semicolon - simile - simple predicate - simple subjects - subject/verb agreement - suffixes - superlative adjectives - syllables - synonyms - titles - transitional words - underlining - verbs - verbs phrase - verbs tense
advertisement - bibliography - biography - business letter - caricature - character sketch - circle words picture - closing paragraph - closing sentences- creative writing - dialogue - duolog - essay - figurative language - first draft - first person - friendly letter - journal - main idea - mood - news story - opening paragraph - outline - paragraph - paraphrase - personification - plagiarism - poetry - prose - research - similes - summary - supporting detail - supporting sentences - thesis statement - titles - topic - topic sentences - types of sentences - writing a fable - writing dialogue - writing instructions
Research and Study Skills
alphabetical order - Bible translation - Caldecott Award - Dewey decimal system - dictionary - encyclopedia - etymology - illustration - interview - library - map skills - Newbery Award - news story - organizing thought - research - sequence - thesaurus - timeline
High Order Thinking Skills
analogies - circle word pictures - conducting a research - context clues - giving directions - memorization
Creative Expression
creative writing - oral presentation - poetry
copying passages - final drafts
adding s to words: ending in o,f,fe - adding suffixes - compound words - copy words - double consonant rules - spelling tips: ck, dge, ew, ff, gn, ie, kn, ll, sion, ss, tion, ture, ue, zz
a Book Study Unit on: Star of Light, Adam and His Kin, Much Ado About Nothing - accent - analogy - Base or root words - book reports - character development - cinquain - cliché - climax - comedy and tragedy - comprehension - conflict - dialogue - diamante - fact - figurative language - haiku - historical fiction - imagery - implied metaphor - internal rhyme - limerick - malapropism - map skills - memorization - metaphor - mood - narration - opinion - personification - persuasive - arguments - plot - Psalms - recitation - rhyme scheme - rhythmic foot - setting - similes - suffixes - syllables
abbreviations - adjectives - adjectives phrase - adverbs - adverb phrases - antecedents - apostrophes - articles - being verbs - capitalization - commas - common and proper nouns - comparative adjectives - complete predicate - complete subjects - compound modifiers - compound phrases - compound sentences - compound subjects - compound verbs - conjunctions - dependent clause - determining direct object - diagramming - dialogue - dictionary - direct object - exclamation marks - gerund - graphs - guide words - helping verbs - hyphen - homonyms - indirect object - infinitive - initials - interjections - intransitive verbs - irregular nouns - irregular verbs linking verbs - map skills - nouns - number words - object of the preposition - participle phrases - periods - plural possessive nouns - possessive pronouns - predicate adjectives -predicate nominative - preposition - prepositional phrases - pronouns - qualifiers - question marks - quotations - regular verbs - sentences - simple sentences - simple subjects - singular possessive nouns - split quotation - superlative adjectives - titles - transitive verbs - verbs - verbs phrase- verbs tense
analogy - bibliography - book review - character sketch - characters - climax - conflict - contrast - drafts: first and final - editing - first person - graphs - introduction - mood - narration - note-taking - outline - paragraph - persuasive writing - plot - poetry - point of view - pre-writing - research - resolution - revising - second person - setting theme - supporting sentences - synonyms - theme - thesis statement - third person - title page - topic - topic sentences - transitional words
Research and Study Skills
bibliography - encyclopedia - outline - research - thesaurus
Higher Order Thinking Skills
charts - family tree - graphs - memorization - timeline - understanding sentence parts
Creative Expression
clichés - imagery - oral presentation - poetry: cinquain, diamante, free verse, haiku, limerick, meter, structural poem personification - recitation - rhyme scheme - similes
copying passages -writing final drafts
copying words - spelling rules - studying words
a Book Study Unit on: Across Five Aprils, A Lantern in Her Hand, Eric Liddell, God's Smuggler - alliteration - assonance - cliché - comparing - comprehension - consonance - figurative language - historical fiction - literature appreciation - metaphor - meter - narration - persons - 1st 2nd 3rd - poetry appreciation - prose - rhyme scheme - roots - similes - silent/oral reading - suffixes - vocabulary
action verbs - adjective clauses - adjectives - adverbs - adverb clauses - antecedents - antonyms - apostrophes - articles - capitalization - commas - common nouns - comparative adjectives - complement - complete predicate - complete sentences - complete subjects - compound predicate nominative - compound sentences - conjunctions - coordinating conjunctions - declarative sentences - demonstrative pronouns - dependent clause - direct object - exclamatory sentences - gerunds - helping verbs - imperative sentences - incomplete sentences - independent clause - indirect object -infinitive phrases - infinitives - interrogative pronouns - interrogative sentences - intransitive verbs - introductory phrase - irregular verbs - linking verbs - nouns clause - nouns - object of a preposition - objective pronouns - parenthetical phrase - participial phrase - participles - personal pronouns - persons - 1st 2nd 3rd - plural nouns - possessive nouns - possessive pronouns - predicate - predicate adjectives - predicate nominative - preposition- prepositional phrase - problem words - pronouns - proper nouns - punctuation - quotations - regular verbs - relative pronouns - semicolon - sentence length - simple predicate - simple subjects - speech tags - subjects - subjective pronouns - subordinating conjunctions - synonyms - transitive verbs - types of sentences - verbs - verbs tenses
alliteration - autobiography - biblical fiction - biography - business letter - cause and effect paper - character sketch - cinquain - combining sentences - compare and contrast paper - comparison - cover sheet - descriptive paragraph - developing a writing plan - diamante - final draft - first draft - formal and informal writing - friendly letter - interviews - limerick - metaphors - modeling poetry - narrative paper - narrative paragraph - non-standard English - ordinal numbers - paraphrase - parts of a letter - persuasive paper - proof reading - reports - research paper - revision - riddle poems - sentence construction - standard English - structural poetry - supporting an opinion - thesis statement - topic outline - topic sentences - types of sentences - writing a story with a moral - writing dialogue
Research and Study Skills
bibliography - concordance - encyclopedia - gathering sources - interviewing - listening skills - memorization - note-taking - outlines - research - revision - writing plan
Higher Order Thinking Skills
memorization - outline - vocabulary study - word parts
Creative Expression
creative writing - poetry - prose
copy passages - final draft
Reading Skills/Short Stories
Early literature: myths, folktales, fairytales, fables, African proverbs and dilemma tales, parables - The Analects - The Pillow Book - The Epic of Gilgamesh
Epic Poetry: The Odyssey - The Mahabharata/The Ramayana - The Aeneid - Beowulf - The Song of Roland - The Nibelungenlied
Medieval/Renaissance: The Thousand and One Nights - The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyyam - Canterbury Tales - Romeo and Juliet - Don Quixote
Enlightenment/Romanticism: Pilgrim’s Progress - The Divine Comedy - Gulliver’s Travels - Faust, Book One - Doctor Faustus -The Devil and Tom Walker - The Picture of Dorian Gray - Les Miserables - The Importance of Being Earnest - The Short Story - 20th Century: The Little Prince - Cry the Beloved Country
critical thinking - predicting outcomes - metaphor - simile - alliteration - parallelism - flashback - frame story - foreshadowing - narration - theme - paraphrase - soliloquy - oral reading - satire - hyperbole - verbal irony - parody - allegory - motif - protagonist - antagonist - dues ex machine - comedy of manners play - epigram - pun - characters - setting - theme - plot - plot line - conflict - point of view - first/third person - objective/limited/omniscient - stream of consciousness - climax - exposition - rising action - falling action - resolution (denouement) - summary - novella - Christ figure - epilogue
Argument and persuasion - prewriting - topic sentence - editing - compare and contrast - epic story writing - creative writing - newspaper article - writing poetry - paraphrase - character sketch - summary - book report
The great hymn of the Aten - Rig Veda - The Book of Songs - tanka Poetry - haiku - lyric poetry - ghazal - sonnets - consonance - assonance - pivot words - meter - metrical pattern - feet - ode - epics - Homeric simile - rhyme scheme - caesura - kenning - laisses - quatrain - personification - iambic pentameter - blank verse - tercets
Reading Skills/Short Stories
Great American Short Stories - Wallace and Mary Stegner - The Mentor Book of Major American Poets - Oscar Williams and Edwin Honig - The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway - The Red Badge of Courage - Stephen Crane - The Pearl - John Steinbeck - character study - conflict - flat characters - round characters - crisis - outlines - elements of fiction - setting - plot - foreshadowing - irony - themes - outcome - supporting your answer - point of view - first person narrative - omniscient author - third person objective - main character - interpretation - allegory - figurative meaning - novella - character development - plot development - topics - reference books - stream-of-consciousness - compare and contrast - comparison
rhetorical techniques - compare and contrast - extended definitions - argument and persuasion - expository writing - research papers - topics - subtopics - conclusions - coherence - transitional devices - concluding paragraphs - introductory paragraph - evidence - first body paragraphs - outlines - supportive topics - thesis statements
personification - imagery - metaphors - comparisons - similes - syntax and form - moods - sonnets - iambic pentameter - sestets - tercets - quatrains - topics - stanzas - rhyme groups - abstractions - symbolism
Reading Skills/Short Stories
Frankenstein - Mary Wollencroft Shelley - Emma - Jane Austen - A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens - The Time Machine - H.G. Wells - Animal Farm - George Orwell
A British Poetry Anthology - British Poets - Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats, Tennyson, Browning, Arnold, Hopkins, - Hardy, Eliot, Owen, Graves - abstract - archaism - blank verse - Classical sonnet - closed couplet - commentary - concrete - couplet - dialect - diction - dramatization - enjambment - free verse - heroic couplet - history of poetry - iamb - iambic pentameter - image - line - metaphor - meter - modern age - octave - onomatopoeia - personification - Petrarchan sonnet - primitivism - quatrain - rhyme - romanticism - romantic period - run-on - sentimentalism - sestet - Shakespearean sonnet - simile - sonnet - sprung rhythm - stanza - stream-of-consciousness - symbol - syntax - Victorian period - villanelle
body paragraph - book report - compare and contrast essay - concluding paragraph - introductory paragraph - outline - poetry interpretation essay - supporting sentence - thesis statement - topic sentence
Phonics / Spelling
auditory discrimination - beginning sounds - blends - consonant sounds - decoding new words - ending sounds - long vowel sounds - short vowel sounds - sight words - silent e - vowel pairs - word families
character development - context clues - compound words - comprehension - describing characters - dialogue - drawing conclusions - following directions - inferences - left to right progression - maps - moral of a story - oral reading - plot - poetry - predicting outcome - reading aloud - recalling detail - retelling story - rhyme - setting - types of stories
adjectives - alphabet - alphabetical order - antonyms - apostrophes - capitalization - exclamation marks - homonyms - nouns - periods - plurals - possessive nouns - proper nouns - punctuation - synonyms - verbs
composing sentences - composing paragraphs - composing stories - letter writing - narration - narration based on a picture - writing sentences
Research and Study Skills
dictionary - encyclopedia - library - map skills - parts of a book: title page, table of contents, author, illustrator, publisher - reference skills - research - thesaurus - verifying information
Higher Order Thinking Skills
alphabetical order - categorizing - compare and contrast - context clues - describing - details - drawing conclusions - evaluation of a story - fact and opinion - following directions - grouping - inferences - interpreting illustrations - making a list - matching - memorization - ordinal sequencing - patterns - personal application - predicting outcome - real and make-believe - story recall - sequencing
Creative Expression
charades - choral reading - coloring - drama - drawing - illustrating sentences - illustrating stories - making a book - memory game - narrating from a picture - puppets - telling a story
drawing shapes - lower case letters manuscript - upper case letters manuscript - punctuation - numbers - sentences
long vowel sounds - review first grade phonics - r-controlled vowels: ar, ear, er, ir, ur - root words - short vowel sounds - sounds of: au, augh, aw, ay, ea, ee, ei, ew, ie, oi, oo, or, ou, ough, ow, oy, ue, ui - sounds of: al, ch, el, le, nd, sh, th, tion, ture, war, wor - sounds of : a, c, g, s, y - silent consonant in: ck, dge, gn, igh, kn, mb, ph, tch, wh, ur - syllabication - suffix sounds - words families
copy words - games - how to study words - puzzles - review phonics - spelling tips - suffix
cause and effect - character development - compound words - comprehension -context clues - dialogue - discussion of context - drawing conclusions - facts - fiction - illustrations - main idea - non-fiction - onomatopoeia - opinion - oral reading - ordinal numbers - plot poetry - poetry - reading aloud - real and make-believe - recalling detail - rhyme - setting - summary - syllables
adjectives - alphabetical order - antonyms - apostrophes - articles - capitalization - commas - common noun - comparative adjective - conjunctions - contractions - days of the week - declarative sentences - exclamation marks - exclamatory sentences - homonyms - hyphen - interrogative sentences - irregular nouns - months of the year - nouns - number words - past tense - periods - plural nouns - possessive nouns - predicate - prefix: un - present tense - pronouns - proper nouns - question marks - quotation marks - singular noun - subject - suffixes: ed,er,est,ful,ing,ly,y - superlative adjectives - synonyms - verbs
address - copying literature - creative writing - dates - descriptive writing - editing - invitations - letter writing - list - narration - paragraph - recording information - report - writing from dictation
Research and Study Skills
atlas - dictionary - encyclopedia - library - map - parts of a book - parts of a story - survey - thesaurus - time line
Higher Order Thinking Skills
alphabetical order - calendar - categorizing - compare and contrast - context clues - describing - details - drawing conclusions - evaluation of a story - following directions - grouping - inferences - interpreting illustrations - making a list - matching - memorization - ordinal sequencing - patterns - personal application - predicting outcome - real and make-believe - retelling a story - story recall - sequencing
Creative Expression / Games
book making - bingo - calendar - card making - diorama - drama - illustrating - interpreting illustrations - poetry - nature walk - oral presentation - pantomime - plays - puppetry - riddles
lower case letters manuscript - upper case letters manuscript - numbers - punctuation - sentences
root words - sounds of: igh, ed, er, ar, or, le, el, al, ng, tion, kn - suffixes - syllables
copy words - how to study words - review activity - spelling tips: al, ai, ar, ay, ea, ear, ee, el, er, ew, ie, igh, ir, kn, le, oi, oo, or, ou, ough, ow, ue, ur, wh, wr - weekly word lists
base or root words - biography - cause and effect - characters - chart reading - choral reading - compare and contrast - compound words - comprehension - discussion of content - fact and opinion - fiction - figurative language - lines of play - main idea - non-fiction - optional literature links on: The White Stallion, Madeline, Meet George Washington, The Courage of Sarah Noble - plays - poetry - predicting outcome - recalling detail - rhyme - similes - suffixes - syllables - vocabulary
antonyms - adjectives - adverbs - antonym - apostrophes - articles - capitalization - colon - commas - comparative adjectives - complete sentences - compound subjects - conjunctions - contractions - declarative sentences - determiners - homonyms - irregular words - nouns - parentheses - past tense - periods - plural nouns - plural possessive nouns - possessive nouns - predicate - present tense - pronouns - proper nouns - quotation marks - quotations - singular nouns - singular possessive nouns - subjects - suffix: ed, er, ful, ing - synonyms - verbs
copying literature - descriptive writing - editing - envelope - friendly letter - indentations - journaling - list making - main idea - paragraph - phrases - report - sentences - similes - title - verse - writing from dictation
Research and Study Skills
alphabetical order - charts and graphs - dictionary - encyclopedia - library - map skills - newspaper - telephone book - research skills - thesaurus - time line
Higher Order Thinking Skills
alphabetical order - cause and effect - compare and contrast - directions (N,S,E,W) - drawing conclusions - following directions - graphs and charts - listening skills - matching - memorization - reporting - retelling a story - same and different - sequencing
Creative Expression / Games
choral reading - codes - collage - drama - illustrating - match-ups - oral presentation - pantomime - plays - poetry - puzzles - riddles
beginning cursive—lower case letters - beginning cursive—upper case letters - connecting cursive letters
adding suffixes to words ending in: silent e,y,ch,sh,s,z,x - copy words - how to study words - spelling tips: ch,dge,ear,er,ie,ir,ou,ow,sh, tch,ur - words ending with: ss,ff,zz - vowel rules
a Book Study Unit on: Boxcar Children, Wright Brothers, Ben and Me: An Astonishing Life of Benjamin Franklin By His Good Mouse Amos, The Sign of the Beaver - antonyms autobiography - biography - cause and effect - character sketch - comprehension - discussion of content - homonyms - parts of a story - poetry - recalling detail - silent / oral reading - similes - syllables - synonyms - vocabulary
abbreviations - action verbs - adjectives - adjectives in comparison - adverbs - antecedents - antonyms - apostrophes - articles - base or root words - capitalization - commas - common nouns - complete sentences - complete subjects - compound sentences - compound subjects - compound verbs - conjunctions - contraction - dates - exclamation marks - fragment - helping verbs - homonyms - initials - interjections - irregular verbs - nouns - periods - plural nouns - plural possessive nouns - predicate - preposition - prepositional phrase - pronouns - proper nouns - question marks - quotations - simple subjects - singular nouns - singular possessive nouns - suffixes - title of a book - verbs - verb phrases - verb tenses
advertisements - bibliography - book making - business letter - character sketch - copying literature - descriptive writing - dialogue - editing - envelopes - first person - friendly letter - indention - journals - list writing - map making - newsletter - note taking - paragraph - poetry - report writing - sentences - sentence types - story writing - summary - writing an ad - writing directions - writing from dictation
Research and Study Skills
advertisements - alphabetical order - atlas - decision making - dictionary - encyclopedia - following directions - guide words - interview - library - map study - newspaper - note-taking - parts of a book - poetry memorization - research skills - table of contents - thesaurus
Higher Order Thinking Skills
compare and contrast - decision making - fact and opinion - following directions - sequencing events - decision making - memorization
Creative Expression
book making - illustrating poetry - recitation - rhyme - rhythm - story writing - writing an ad - writing poetry— cinquain, concrete, couplet, haiku, limerick, prose
copying passages - writing final drafts
adding suffixes - copying words - plurals of irregular words - plurals of words ending in: ch,f,fe,o,s,sh,x,y,z - spelling tips: ai,ck,ear,el,er,gh, gn,ie,igh,ir,kn,le,ou,ough,ow,sion,tion,ture,ur,wor - words ending in f,l,s,z - studying words - syllabication - vowel pairs: ai,ie,ou,ow
a Book Study Unit on: Farmer Boy, Trumpet of the Swan, Number the Stars, Caddie Woodlawn - accent - biography - character sketch - characters - choral reading - compound words - conclusion - conflict - drawing conclusions - dialect - exaggeration - facts - figurative language - folk tale - introduction - legend - meter - opinion - plot - poetry - point of view - problem solving - quotations - comprehension - rhyme - rhyme scheme - root or base words - setting - similes - skim and scan - solution - summary - super human qualities - supporting sentences - syllables - tall tale - topic - topic sentences - vocabulary
action verbs - adjectives - adverbs - antecedents - antonyms - apostrophes - base or root words - being verbs - capitalization - commas - common nouns - comparative adjectives - complete predicate - complete sentences - complete subjects - compound sentences - compound subjects - compound verbs - conjunctions - contractions - dates - declarative sentences - direct address - double negative - exclamation marks - exclamatory sentences - fragment - helping verbs - homonyms - hyphen interjections - interrogative sentences - irregular verbs - irregular words - italics - nouns - number words - past tense - periods - plural possessive nouns - plural nouns - plurals of irregular words - prefix - possessive nouns - prefix - preposition - present tense - pronouns - proper nouns - question marks - quotations - regular verbs - simple subjects - singular nouns - singular possessive nouns - suffixes - underlining - verbs - verb phrases - verb tense
copying literature - character sketch - descriptive writing - dialogue writing - editing - envelope - exaggeration - figurative language - indentation - letter writing - list making - outlines - paragraph - parts of a letter - reporting - rhyme - summary - supporting sentences - tall tales - topic - topic sentences - writing poetry - writing from dictation
Research and Study Skills
atlas - Bible references - dictionary - encyclopedia - family tree - globe - guide words - interview - list making - newspaper - outline - proofreading - reporting - research - skim and scan - thesaurus - time line
Higher Order Thinking Skills
analogy - decision making - directions - facts - memorization - narration - opinion - sequencing events
Creative Expression / Games
choral reading - family tree - interviewing - memorizing - meter - poetry - rhyme - role playing - scheme - speech making
copying passages - writing final drafts
adding suffixes -able,ance,ant,ence,ent,ible,sion,tion - adding prefixes - compound words - contractions - copy words - double consonants - plurals of irregular words - plural rules - spelling rules for: ck,dg,ear,er,gn,ie,igh,ir,kn,ou,ough,ow,ur,wor,wr - spelling rules for changing: f to v, y to i, - studying words - syllabication
a Book Study on: Carry on, Mr. Bowditch, The Bronze Bow, Big Red, The Horse and His Boy - alliteration - autobiography - biography - bound base - choral reading - climax - comprehension - conflict - context clues - couplet - dialect - dialogue - discussing content - duolog - end rhyme - etymology - exposition - fable - falling action - fiction - first person - foreshadowing - free base - internal rhyme - irony - mood - narrator - news story - personification - plot - poetry - point of view - prose - reciting poetry - repetition - resolution - rhyme scheme - rising action - second person speech - stanza - syllables - third person - topic sentences - triplet - vocabulary - words analogy
adjectives - adverbs - antecedents - antonyms - apostrophes - articles - being verbs - capitalization - colon - commas - common nouns - comparative adjectives - complete predicate - complete sentences - complete subjects - compound sentences - compound subjects - compound verbs - compound words - conjunctions - contraction - declarative sentences - dependent clause - direct address - direct object - direct quotation - double negative - exclamation marks - exclamatory sentences - fragment - helping verbs - homonyms - hyphen - imperative sentences - independent clause - interjections - interrogative sentences - irregular verbs - linking verbs - nouns - object of the preposition - parts of speech - periods - possessive nouns - possessive pronouns - predicate adjectives - prefix - preposition - prepositional phrase - principal parts of verbs - pronouns - proper nouns - question marks - quotation marks - regular verbs - semicolon - simile - simple predicate - simple subjects - subject/verb agreement - suffixes - superlative adjectives - syllables - synonyms - titles - transitional words - underlining - verbs - verbs phrase - verbs tense
advertisement - bibliography - biography - business letter - caricature - character sketch - circle words picture - closing paragraph - closing sentences- creative writing - dialogue - duolog - essay - figurative language - first draft - first person - friendly letter - journal - main idea - mood - news story - opening paragraph - outline - paragraph - paraphrase - personification - plagiarism - poetry - prose - research - similes - summary - supporting detail - supporting sentences - thesis statement - titles - topic - topic sentences - types of sentences - writing a fable - writing dialogue - writing instructions
Research and Study Skills
alphabetical order - Bible translation - Caldecott Award - Dewey decimal system - dictionary - encyclopedia - etymology - illustration - interview - library - map skills - Newbery Award - news story - organizing thought - research - sequence - thesaurus - timeline
High Order Thinking Skills
analogies - circle word pictures - conducting a research - context clues - giving directions - memorization
Creative Expression
creative writing - oral presentation - poetry
copying passages - final drafts
adding s to words: ending in o,f,fe - adding suffixes - compound words - copy words - double consonant rules - spelling tips: ck, dge, ew, ff, gn, ie, kn, ll, sion, ss, tion, ture, ue, zz
a Book Study Unit on: Star of Light, Adam and His Kin, Much Ado About Nothing - accent - analogy - Base or root words - book reports - character development - cinquain - cliché - climax - comedy and tragedy - comprehension - conflict - dialogue - diamante - fact - figurative language - haiku - historical fiction - imagery - implied metaphor - internal rhyme - limerick - malapropism - map skills - memorization - metaphor - mood - narration - opinion - personification - persuasive - arguments - plot - Psalms - recitation - rhyme scheme - rhythmic foot - setting - similes - suffixes - syllables
abbreviations - adjectives - adjectives phrase - adverbs - adverb phrases - antecedents - apostrophes - articles - being verbs - capitalization - commas - common and proper nouns - comparative adjectives - complete predicate - complete subjects - compound modifiers - compound phrases - compound sentences - compound subjects - compound verbs - conjunctions - dependent clause - determining direct object - diagramming - dialogue - dictionary - direct object - exclamation marks - gerund - graphs - guide words - helping verbs - hyphen - homonyms - indirect object - infinitive - initials - interjections - intransitive verbs - irregular nouns - irregular verbs linking verbs - map skills - nouns - number words - object of the preposition - participle phrases - periods - plural possessive nouns - possessive pronouns - predicate adjectives -predicate nominative - preposition - prepositional phrases - pronouns - qualifiers - question marks - quotations - regular verbs - sentences - simple sentences - simple subjects - singular possessive nouns - split quotation - superlative adjectives - titles - transitive verbs - verbs - verbs phrase- verbs tense
analogy - bibliography - book review - character sketch - characters - climax - conflict - contrast - drafts: first and final - editing - first person - graphs - introduction - mood - narration - note-taking - outline - paragraph - persuasive writing - plot - poetry - point of view - pre-writing - research - resolution - revising - second person - setting theme - supporting sentences - synonyms - theme - thesis statement - third person - title page - topic - topic sentences - transitional words
Research and Study Skills
bibliography - encyclopedia - outline - research - thesaurus
Higher Order Thinking Skills
charts - family tree - graphs - memorization - timeline - understanding sentence parts
Creative Expression
clichés - imagery - oral presentation - poetry: cinquain, diamante, free verse, haiku, limerick, meter, structural poem personification - recitation - rhyme scheme - similes
copying passages -writing final drafts
copying words - spelling rules - studying words
a Book Study Unit on: Across Five Aprils, A Lantern in Her Hand, Eric Liddell, God's Smuggler - alliteration - assonance - cliché - comparing - comprehension - consonance - figurative language - historical fiction - literature appreciation - metaphor - meter - narration - persons - 1st 2nd 3rd - poetry appreciation - prose - rhyme scheme - roots - similes - silent/oral reading - suffixes - vocabulary
action verbs - adjective clauses - adjectives - adverbs - adverb clauses - antecedents - antonyms - apostrophes - articles - capitalization - commas - common nouns - comparative adjectives - complement - complete predicate - complete sentences - complete subjects - compound predicate nominative - compound sentences - conjunctions - coordinating conjunctions - declarative sentences - demonstrative pronouns - dependent clause - direct object - exclamatory sentences - gerunds - helping verbs - imperative sentences - incomplete sentences - independent clause - indirect object -infinitive phrases - infinitives - interrogative pronouns - interrogative sentences - intransitive verbs - introductory phrase - irregular verbs - linking verbs - nouns clause - nouns - object of a preposition - objective pronouns - parenthetical phrase - participial phrase - participles - personal pronouns - persons - 1st 2nd 3rd - plural nouns - possessive nouns - possessive pronouns - predicate - predicate adjectives - predicate nominative - preposition- prepositional phrase - problem words - pronouns - proper nouns - punctuation - quotations - regular verbs - relative pronouns - semicolon - sentence length - simple predicate - simple subjects - speech tags - subjects - subjective pronouns - subordinating conjunctions - synonyms - transitive verbs - types of sentences - verbs - verbs tenses
alliteration - autobiography - biblical fiction - biography - business letter - cause and effect paper - character sketch - cinquain - combining sentences - compare and contrast paper - comparison - cover sheet - descriptive paragraph - developing a writing plan - diamante - final draft - first draft - formal and informal writing - friendly letter - interviews - limerick - metaphors - modeling poetry - narrative paper - narrative paragraph - non-standard English - ordinal numbers - paraphrase - parts of a letter - persuasive paper - proof reading - reports - research paper - revision - riddle poems - sentence construction - standard English - structural poetry - supporting an opinion - thesis statement - topic outline - topic sentences - types of sentences - writing a story with a moral - writing dialogue
Research and Study Skills
bibliography - concordance - encyclopedia - gathering sources - interviewing - listening skills - memorization - note-taking - outlines - research - revision - writing plan
Higher Order Thinking Skills
memorization - outline - vocabulary study - word parts
Creative Expression
creative writing - poetry - prose
copy passages - final draft
Reading Skills/Short Stories
Early literature: myths, folktales, fairytales, fables, African proverbs and dilemma tales, parables - The Analects - The Pillow Book - The Epic of Gilgamesh
Epic Poetry: The Odyssey - The Mahabharata/The Ramayana - The Aeneid - Beowulf - The Song of Roland - The Nibelungenlied
Medieval/Renaissance: The Thousand and One Nights - The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyyam - Canterbury Tales - Romeo and Juliet - Don Quixote
Enlightenment/Romanticism: Pilgrim’s Progress - The Divine Comedy - Gulliver’s Travels - Faust, Book One - Doctor Faustus -The Devil and Tom Walker - The Picture of Dorian Gray - Les Miserables - The Importance of Being Earnest - The Short Story - 20th Century: The Little Prince - Cry the Beloved Country
critical thinking - predicting outcomes - metaphor - simile - alliteration - parallelism - flashback - frame story - foreshadowing - narration - theme - paraphrase - soliloquy - oral reading - satire - hyperbole - verbal irony - parody - allegory - motif - protagonist - antagonist - dues ex machine - comedy of manners play - epigram - pun - characters - setting - theme - plot - plot line - conflict - point of view - first/third person - objective/limited/omniscient - stream of consciousness - climax - exposition - rising action - falling action - resolution (denouement) - summary - novella - Christ figure - epilogue
Argument and persuasion - prewriting - topic sentence - editing - compare and contrast - epic story writing - creative writing - newspaper article - writing poetry - paraphrase - character sketch - summary - book report
The great hymn of the Aten - Rig Veda - The Book of Songs - tanka Poetry - haiku - lyric poetry - ghazal - sonnets - consonance - assonance - pivot words - meter - metrical pattern - feet - ode - epics - Homeric simile - rhyme scheme - caesura - kenning - laisses - quatrain - personification - iambic pentameter - blank verse - tercets
Reading Skills/Short Stories
Great American Short Stories - Wallace and Mary Stegner - The Mentor Book of Major American Poets - Oscar Williams and Edwin Honig - The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway - The Red Badge of Courage - Stephen Crane - The Pearl - John Steinbeck - character study - conflict - flat characters - round characters - crisis - outlines - elements of fiction - setting - plot - foreshadowing - irony - themes - outcome - supporting your answer - point of view - first person narrative - omniscient author - third person objective - main character - interpretation - allegory - figurative meaning - novella - character development - plot development - topics - reference books - stream-of-consciousness - compare and contrast - comparison
rhetorical techniques - compare and contrast - extended definitions - argument and persuasion - expository writing - research papers - topics - subtopics - conclusions - coherence - transitional devices - concluding paragraphs - introductory paragraph - evidence - first body paragraphs - outlines - supportive topics - thesis statements
personification - imagery - metaphors - comparisons - similes - syntax and form - moods - sonnets - iambic pentameter - sestets - tercets - quatrains - topics - stanzas - rhyme groups - abstractions - symbolism
Reading Skills/Short Stories
Frankenstein - Mary Wollencroft Shelley - Emma - Jane Austen - A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens - The Time Machine - H.G. Wells - Animal Farm - George Orwell
A British Poetry Anthology - British Poets - Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats, Tennyson, Browning, Arnold, Hopkins, - Hardy, Eliot, Owen, Graves - abstract - archaism - blank verse - Classical sonnet - closed couplet - commentary - concrete - couplet - dialect - diction - dramatization - enjambment - free verse - heroic couplet - history of poetry - iamb - iambic pentameter - image - line - metaphor - meter - modern age - octave - onomatopoeia - personification - Petrarchan sonnet - primitivism - quatrain - rhyme - romanticism - romantic period - run-on - sentimentalism - sestet - Shakespearean sonnet - simile - sonnet - sprung rhythm - stanza - stream-of-consciousness - symbol - syntax - Victorian period - villanelle
body paragraph - book report - compare and contrast essay - concluding paragraph - introductory paragraph - outline - poetry interpretation essay - supporting sentence - thesis statement - topic sentence