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Developed for busy parents, teachers, and tutors, All About Spelling is a scripted, open-and-go program that teaches spelling in the most effective way possible. This award-winning seven-level program provides complete and comprehensive instruction using the Orton-Gillingham approach.
Level 1

Learn phonograms A-Z, plus TH, SH, CH, CK, NG, NK
Spell words with short vowel sounds containing new phonograms, such as bath, dog, cash, wing, and such
Spell words with initial blends and compound words, and learn how to segment words with two and three sounds
Level 2

Learn phonograms WH, EE, ER, AR, OR, OU, OY, OI, AW, AU, and OW
Spell Vowel-Consonant-E (VCE) words
Learn to pluralize words ending in Silent E
Learn the Open, Closed, and R-controlled syllable types
Level 3

Learn phonograms AI, AY, UR, OA, OO, EA, ED, IGH, IR, and EY
Spell common contractions, such as can't
Identify C+l-e syllable types
Learn about consonant suffixes and vowel suffixes
Level 5

Learn phonograms SI, IE, OUGH, UI, GN, OUR, and CI
Spell words with /ē/ spelled EI and IE, as in receive and achieve
Learn how to add two suffixes to a word
Form irregular plurals
Level 7

Spell words containing Latin roots
Spell words containing Greek word parts
Spell French, Spanish, and Italian loan words
Learn when to drop or keep Silent E when adding a suffix
Learn clues for spelling words with suffix ANCE and suffix ENCE
Level 4

Learn phonograms TCH, DGE, EW, EI, WR, KN, OR, EIGH, EAR, PH, TI, and OE
Spell words with the sound of /shŭn/ spelled TION, such as motion
Learn how to add prefixes
Level 6

Learn phonograms MB, GU, and AUGH
Spell words ending in IBLE and ABLE, such as flexible and available
Learn additional suffixes such as AIN, IVE, TURE, ICE, and ATE and how to add suffix LY to C+l-e words
Letter Tiles & Boxes

Letter Tiles are a one-time purchase per household that includes every tile needed for All About Reading Levels 1-4 and All About Spelling Levels 1-7
Review Boxes come with divider cards and are perfect for storing and organizing flashcards.
Store your materials with our sturdy tote bag!
Spelling Placement Test
All About Spelling is a building block program: each level builds upon the previous one. In order to build a strong foundation, most students start with Level 1.
Use our placement test to determine which level is best for your student. If you have questions, please contact us and we'd be happy to help! Take out Placement Test:
What You Should Know about This Program
Easy to Learn
All About Spelling uses powerful teaching methods.
Multisensory approach makes it easy for kids to understand
Built-in review system helps learning stick
Kids look forward to spelling lessons because of the motivating, hands-on activities
This mastery-based, building block program works with kids who have learning disabilities as well as those who do not
Our explicit teaching helps students succeed
Easy to Teach
All About Spelling makes your job easy and stress-free.
7 levels of comprehensive spelling instruction
Words are broken down using colored squares to engage multiple senses and make spelling fun
Building block progression allows even children with learning disabilities to learn rapidly.

This isn’t the typical "list-on-Monday, test-on-Friday" approach! Instead, you'll find dozens of proven techniques that are guaranteed to help your student master English spelling. He will learn the sounds of the 26 letters of the alphabet, 45 common letter combinations (such as CK and IGH), and tried-and-true spelling rules.
With these tools, your student can spell the vast majority of English words. In addition, he will get solid strategies for mastering the remaining words, which we call "rule breakers."
By Level 7, your student will be spelling at the high school level.
Using All About Spelling with Older Children
All About Spelling is very effective for struggling learners. Most students start in Level 1 since this is a mastery-based program, not a grade-level program. The program will help fill in the missing gaps and build a strong foundation. See the article Using All About Spelling with Older Students for more information. Contact us if you would like additional help with placement.
All About Spelling Age Range
All About Spelling is used by students of all ages, including pre-readers, teens, and adults.
Length of Daily Spelling Lessons
As a general rule, we recommend spending 20 minutes per day on spelling. However, you can adjust this recommendation according to your child’s level and attention span. Read Spelling – How Much Time Should I Spend? to learn more.
You do not need to complete an entire Step in one day—some Steps may even take a week or more to cover. The speed at which a step can be completed depends on your child’s age, attention span, prior experience, and the concepts being taught.
The All About Spelling program is completely flexible and customizable, allowing you to breeze through sections that are easy for your child and spend more time on difficult concepts.
Arrangement of Spelling Words/Lists
Each spelling lesson presents a single new rule or concept. Instead of jumping from one concept to another, children learn spelling in a sequential, orderly way, with words of similar attributes always being taught together. For example, when the sound of /ar/ is taught, children learn words such as barn, car, hard, garden, shark, and smart. For additional reinforcement, the dictation phrases and sentences include words containing the sound of /ar/.
Spelling Word Review
Continual individualized review is a major component of the All About Spelling program. One of the first things you'll do before beginning to teach is set up the Spelling Review Box. AAS uses several different methods to review concepts and spelling words, including flashcards, word analysis, sentence dictation, and writing activities.
Continual review is worked right into the lesson plans to give your child the practice he needs in exactly the areas he needs it, ensuring that he doesn’t forget what you teach him. Take a look at a sample lesson to see how review is handled.
Teaching Spelling Rules
Spelling rules are taught in several ways in our program. First the rule is demonstrated with Letter Tiles to make the concepts crystal clear in your child’s mind. Then the rule is reviewed as many times as necessary until your child masters the concept. And finally, spelling rules and generalizations are also reviewed with flashcards.